Client Intelligence — LopezMora Business Design - Marketing Strategy View Alejandro Lopez's profile on LinkedIn

We Will Walk a Mile in Your Client's Shoes 

The lifespan of agency-client relationships is shrinking. Clients believe that agencies have hit the ceiling and don't have their skin in the game anymore. This creates an inverse ratio between the total value of a customer and the cost of acquiring a new one. We have studied and modeled successful relationships in professional areas, where mutually beneficial goals are critical, and have developed the following tools:

Agency-Client Engagement Matrix Workshop

Rosters can get overpopulated and relationships can get stale. To address this issue we have developed a map which utilizes four quadrants to describe the types of client-agency relationships.  We use this model as a diagnostic tool to reframe your client and prospect rosters, identify their strengths and weaknesses and plan the path from less fruitful relationships to the ideal partnership stage. The analytical phase is followed by a workshop in which we model best practices in agency-client relationships.

Client by Proxy

When the flow of new ideas from the creative team to the client's management team is not fluid, creative development becomes stifled. Although  consumers' choice is the mother of design, the client is the conduit between the creative team and the ultimate consumer. 

Client by Proxy interventions are rooted in an extensive background of client experience. We join the creative development team and personify the voice of the client in order to avoid potential negative reactions. 

These are some of the ways LopezMora offers to get agencies out of their old shoes and into a new pair that will take them straight to improved agency-client relations.

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