Who We Are — LopezMora Business Design - Marketing Strategy View Alejandro Lopez's profile on LinkedIn

Alejandro López 

Strategist  |  Writer  |  Grower  |  Investigator  |  Unabashedly Curious  |  Non-Conformist

Alejandro has 35 year’s management experience within the marketing, research, development and mass communication industries. His passion has been shaped by an eclectic education and employment opportunities ranging from medical studies, social sciences, literature, and languages, to business, innovation, creativity, and research methods. In 2012, Alejandro launched a consultancy known as LopezMora Business Design. LopezMora offers a new vision for the creation and delivery of  services to companies who believe that scientific rigor combined with deep business acumen and a pulse on human behavior are the keys to success in the XXI century.  Currently, Alejandro serves on the Scientific Advisory Board of Smartcon™ (a market research company based in Mainz, Germany).  On the academic side, he has been part of the Guest Professor Program at the University of Mainz for four years. His educational credentials have been earned from institutions in Argentina, Europe, and the United States; he holds Harvard University alumnus status.  


Santiago López Mora

Millennial  |  Adrenaline Seeker  |  Future Focused  |  Believer  |  Builder  |  Thinker

From very early on, Santiago has engaged in pursuits that developed and expanded his understanding of human behavior. From participating in mock political processes, which provided the opportunity to interact with worldwide policymakers, to exploring the fields of social communication and marketing, Santiago has years of experience promoting ideas for the betterment of society at large. Additionally, he holds a Bachelor of Science in Marketing with a minor in behavioral science which he has used to support proven career success in the Digital and Social Media Marketing fields with companies such as EMC and Bose corporations.  


Nicole Ferreira

Truth Seeking  |  Insatiable  |  Alive  |  Empathetic  |  Persistent

Nicole has proven experience supporting individuals and organizations in meeting their strategic goals. Her passion has driven her to excel within the non-profit, human services and marketing writing fields. Through experiences in emergency management, law enforcement, human services, mental health and higher education, she has gleaned a diversified skill set covering data management, client relations, clinical interventions, case management, project management, in addition to professional and creative writing. Academically Nicole holds Masters Degrees in International Relations and Homeland Security and Rehabilitation Counseling, as well as a professional degree in Mental Health. She intends to pursue her PhD in Humanities in the fall.


James Harn PhD. 

Critical Thinker | Researcher | Cook | Discovery | Writer | Art, Mind & Nature

James has invested many years working at the intersection of ideas and their real-world execution.  While earning his Ph.D. in Philosophy from the New School for Social Research he worked at Young & Rubicam Advertising where he was introduced to consumer and corporate communications.  The confluence of rarefied ideas and the sticky world of advertising has served to underline what for him has been a question since his earliest memory:  why do we call it that?  Today this means understanding and giving name to the deep structures that influence our behavior and understanding of the world around us, and solving problems that businesses might not normally consider.  James has corporate communication and management consulting experience across multiple industries ranging from advertising, business intelligence, healthcare, mass transit innovation and behavioral economics.


LopezMora Global Correspondents: 

Patricia Odriozola, Buenos Aires

Dr. Oliver Kaul, Germany


Professional Network:

smartcon - market research

WEB - Futurology

Bill Philips - Business Coaching

Contributing Millennials: 

Malena Lopez Mora

Jessica McCarthy



Contact info

255 Tuckerman Avenue

Middletown, RI 02842


View Alejandro Lopez's profile on LinkedIn