Trailblazing Research Methods — LopezMora Business Design - Marketing Strategy View Alejandro Lopez's profile on LinkedIn

Advancing the Search in Research

It is common to fall into the assumption that superior quality and efficiency are antagonistic concepts; but one does not have to be sacrificed on the altar of the other. Our practice treats each question as a problem without precedent. Combining rigorous scientific research with empathetic and collaborative development, we transform raw data into useful, constructive business tools.

LopezMora's research capabilities include all methods and techniques applied anywhere in the world.  

Among our most advanced methods are:

  • Hierarchical Segmentation
  • Features Tradeoff in Innovation
  • Expedited New Product Design 

We conduct our research through smartcon, an agency based in Mainz, Germany, which sources talent from an extensive network of universities worldwide.  smartcon has global reach and experience and shares our passion for scientific rigor.  Visit smartcon for a full list of services.

View Alejandro Lopez's profile on LinkedIn